Share Six - January 2023: New Beginnings | Long Island Photographer

I have been such a fan of the Share Six blog circle and was recently asked to become a contributor for the new year.

What exactly is Share Six?

Each month one of the Share Six team will pick a theme.  The team will create their own individual blog of six images to be posted on their pages on the sixth day of the month.  Each blog will link to the next blog forming a circle link blog. 

This months theme is New Beginnings.

Nothing is more fitting for this month. Every January is a fresh new start for a brand new 365 project. For the past TEN years, I’ve been talking daily photos of my little family unit and it’s always fun to look back on the 1st of every new year to see what we were up to.

Each new year holds so much promise of things to come. Vacations to plan, things to see and do, goals to set and hopefully complete.

One of my favorite things about photography is they power of recall. I normally have a terrible memory, but photos give me the ability to remember exactly what we did and all the feelings associated with it. For my contribution this month, I’m sharing 6 years of January firsts… and all the promise that each new year holds.


This was a pretty hard year for us as a family. We lost a beloved family member and Olivia was crushed. She grew up a lot that year and made her more quiet, reserved and serious as a result. Luckily my kind and sweet girl is still in there, but it can take a bit to draw her out.


I was knee deep in laundry and nesting like crazy. Little Amelia would arrive a full week early and we barely made it to the labor and delivery unit. I had no idea what was in store for us with two kids.


The new year where everyone in the house was sick. Really sick. My poor mom was visiting and ended up with pneumonia that she couldn’t shake for MONTHS. While I can’t prove it, I would bet money we all had covid.


Life with a toddler was well underway and Amelia was crawling into everything and lived to make epic messes. Not much has changed. She is a terror and loves to keep us on our toes.


I wanted nothing more to be diaper free in the new year. At the time of this photo, I really didn’t think she was ready, but she surprised us on the week of her birthday and it was pretty much smooth sailing.


With all the reminiscing of past new beginnings, it’s time to consider what the future holds for us this year. Amelia will be in pre-school before I know it and Olivia will be starting JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL. How is that even possible?

With New Beginnings in mind, my main goal for 2023 is to BE PRESENT and to have as much quality time with my kids while they are actually still kids and document all the little stories they have to share.

Thank you for joining me this month!

Next up in the blog circle blog this month is my incredibly talented friend Arthurko of LUPJi PHOTOGRAPHY. You can see how he interpreted this months theme by clicking here!