2022 Daily Project - Week 35 - Back to School / North Fork Family Photographer

This week started out just like any other week, however we’re starting to get all those tell-tale signs of fall sneaking in. My birch tree leaves are turning yellow and falling to the ground, it gets dark before 8pm and there is a slight chill in the air in the early mornings.

I’m all for it. I got a huge box of pumpkin spice starbucks coffee at Sams club and I’m embracing all things autumn.

On Tuesday, Amelia came home with a surprise. SHE CUT HER HAIR.

So I fixed it the best I could with some bangs. I don’t hate them.

Fortunately, Amelia LOVES them!

Wednesday was back to school for the bigs. This is Olivia’s last year of middle school!!! How on earth did this happen so quickly?

Amelia has had no real complaints (yet) about being left behind.

Each day we’ve been trying to take advantage of the beautiful weather and spend some time outside.

And on the not so nice days just hung around the house.

And that sums up our week!

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