30 Minutes in the Life - July 2022 | Hello Olivia Photography

Do you ever get a crazy idea and just roll with it?

I drive past this huge open (and tick infected) field constantly on my way to and from Calverton. This week, the purple clover was in full bloom. Pair that with the sun setting over the horizon and WOAH.

It was pretty stunning.

I put out a model call and the most perfect family agreed to drive out and let me do my thing.

Let me tell you, it was pretty freaking magical.

I really don’t think I could have asked for a more amazing photo session in my life. The styling, light, location and totally adorable family was all the things that I could hope for !

And that, my friends sums up 30 minutes in the life of the Amelia this month. Thank you for joining me! Please be sure to follow along the blog circle, and see what my amazingly talented friend Arthurko Bau of LUPJi Photography is up to this month by clicking here!

Want some amazing inspiration? Keep following the circle to see what other photographers from the US and around the world  have shared this month - and don’t forget to leave a little love on their pages!